Archive for April, 2012

THE DISTRACTION POINT… (viewers discretion is advised)

  Distraction is the divided attention of an individual or group from the chosen object of attention onto the source of distraction.  (

This is the simplest meaning of the word ‘distraction’. With all the definitions of the word, I have my personal definition of the word ‘DISTRACTION’ based on my own life experience.

At several points in a one’s life you are  distracted in so many, places and instances. You remember in class close to the window when you saw some movements outside. In the taxi or ‘trotro’ when you saw an incidents along on the way (like a fight or some actions outside). It gets even worse when sometimes you are in an exams hall and something moves your mind off the exam and you have to gather some mental strength to get your mind back to the exams questions you were struggling to solve. The thoughts that come to mind when you are praying; the newspaper headlines when you are driving. This and many instances I can state but as you already know typing plenty ain’t my style…  The funny thing is that sometimes distraction helps. Just imagine a beautiful young nurse coming to give you a needle at the hospital. (this goes for guys only. Abi you know what I am talking about guys?

As I said earlier on, I have been distracted several times ever since my eyes opened as a baby. Seeing people for the first time in my life as a baby (my parents or my mum I mean) distracted me from the knowledge that my environment was surrounded only by noise. I could cry for food, being comforted by the best meal ever! breast-milk – where every boy/man wants to have. But even in the state of satisfying my hunger,I got distracted sometimes and stopped focusing on satisfying my tummy, as most babies do.

My distraction state increased with age. More complex and complicated things began to distract me. Advisers talk about one important word to use in the fight against the distraction of one’s mind:- FOCUS. As difficult and as easy this word can be, sometimes you get so distracted that fighting your state of distraction, your focus now moves to the very thing that you were being distracted. Typical example: being distracted with a porn movie for the first time in your life seeing sex. In your effort to fight this distraction, your total focus might be on it…

To exercise on this word focus… you need to master the act of focusing and this can be done through training, not just any other training but excessive training of the mind like how the monks train their minds to exercise the sixth sense. It takes lot of discipline, and I mean DISCIPLINE. That is how you work on how to focus. To master in focus is to ignore everything around you and concentrate on what you are doing or what you want the eye to see. Trust me.. this is not an easy thing at all. If you want to bet, you can try studying with your pc connected to internet… you will definitely log on to a social network (facebook to be precise unless you do not have facebook account). Discipline, for all intents and purpose is an ACT and ART to be mastered.

It has come to my realization that boys or let me say men are more easily distracted than women or girls. What was  King David (of the Bible) main aim of walking on the roof top? Not because he wanted to see Bathsheba naked, but he was distracted from his thoughts when he saw her taking a shower naked. Women have been seen as the greatest distraction point in a man’s life. We have an uncountable number of examples where even those who have mastered the act of Focusing where distracted one way or the other. Great men have fallen prey to this kind of distraction and as ‘Basket mouth’ (a Nigerian comedian) said the are two things involved with a man in this kind of situation, 1) it’s either you become successful or 2) you become unsuccessful. If you are successful you are safe , if you are unsuccessful you deal with the media about it.

When we were children, seeing a naked girl or woman had little or no effect on our state of  mind as boys. Mothers used to bath naked with their little sons, but now they do not dare! You might end up teaching biology in the bathroom.  There have been cases where little boys and girls( at ages 5 or less) have been caught playing with their genital organs wanting to know how it feels like when adults play with theirs.

Unless you are an Eunuch or have mastered the act of Focus.. seeing a fully naked woman will easily distracts you as a man, especially  THE BREAST.

I totally agree with Adjei Agyei-Baah on his wonderful poem “the  breast”

The breast!
Woman’s body crest
At prime time of projection
The eyes have danced
At the least chance of glance – Agyei-Baah (Nov. 2011)

I do not know why breast attracts men so much. An unknown study shows that it takes longer period for baby boys to stop breast feeding than girls. Can this be the reason why men like boobs? I am yet to come across a man who is not fascinated about breasts when he sees one. The fact that you have been able to master ‘focus’ does not mean that the images of the boobs does not stay in your inner memory.

So this is where I derive my definition of distraction – “a state where a MAN’s attention is shifted totally from what he was focusing on when he sees any part of the woman’s body especially the cleavage or the full breast of a woman.

DISTRACTION POINT is the point where a man reaches when he sees these sensitive parts of the woman’s body and he has “growth” in between his legs. (LET THIS DEFINITION BE IN YOUR HEAD ONLY, NEVER USE IT when you are asked about the definition of a distraction point…and I repeat NEVER USE IT … lol). In the state of a man who has reached the distraction point, can only have his ‘thoughts’ in is head ONLY!, for no reason should it translate into any action below neck level (his ‘thought’ should never descend to his If it does descend to the waist level, the probability of committing a serious offence is very high… the court may judge it as RAPE. And again many men have fallen to this state before, those who escaped the court law where the lucky ones (free tip for guys)

After the Beijing Declaration, the women also had another ‘somewhere’ declaration on how to use the boobs to get what they want from men, since they studied the distraction point better than men. (this information has no source… Verifying  its  authenticity depends only on me).

These days, our women walk around with low cut tops showing their cleavages and some even go the extent of going bra-less in public, dot holes tops and transparent dresses revealing the breast in full. This is mainly done to get men disoriented if you ask me.  This seems to be working for them and girls who do not ‘measure up to the standard’ by men have resulted to using several methods of pushing up the boobs in their bras. Some use breast implants to change the size, form and feeling of their breast. I heard from somewhere some girls even put oranges in the brassiere to add up to their breast size to get attention from men. I do not know how true this is. I believe that whatever state you find your breast, it is should be natural. Personally I love natural stuff and prefer that to artificial.

Talking about sizes of the boobs, it is like talking about foot sizes. Small, rounded, tear drop,  firm, pointed, big, and so on.  As to which one men like is like asking what kind of food do people like? Every single man has got his ‘taste’ for the type of breast he wants to ‘play’ with. Some men like it big, small, dropping and so on. Which one is your type?…lol

The breast has been seen as the effective weapon for most women to ‘assassinate their target’.

Companies and most products now use this form of women device to sell their products. Now we see advertising boards with women either half naked showing their boobs or are only in bras attached with the products. For your magazine to be read, you have to have a woman with some exposed part of body or breast at the cover front. At distraction point, the only thing on your mind is the boobs.

BUT!!! I think like every normal curve, what goes up must come down. I remember when I was growing up, the slightest sight of a cleavage attracted me. Girls and women will dress up to cover almost every part of their body and seeing the slightest exposure of the breast could make you reach a point of distraction.  Now it is a different story, may be men are  mastering the act of focusing because men are gradually becoming resistance to the woman body. A woman has to add more to her act of seduction than just exposing her breast to get a man’s attention.  Is it because we have seen enough and they are no more ‘news’ to us or the excitement of seeing the breast is diminishing? Whatever the case may be, that is how God created you as a woman. God gave you breast not like that of a man, and of all the reasons why God did that (which at least I may know two); to breast-feed babies and to attract your man with it, make them special for the man who deserves it. It is not a ‘play toy’ for every guy. If you are a woman, handle it with care, examine them to take sickness out of it. If you are a man, respect a woman for everything she possesses, love her, her body and all she is, treat her right. For they make the world one beautiful place to live.

Thank you for the read

Derrick Ofori Donkor – April 2012

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